1200,00 €
960,00 € + iva
PREZZO : 1200,00 € + iva a partecipante corso in aula virtuale
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Tel: 0523 010904
* E’ prevista una riduzione fino al 20% sul prezzo di listino del corso, applicabile alle iscrizioni effettuate almeno 30 giorni prima della data prevista. La promozione richiede il pagamento tramite bonifico bancario anticipato da effettuare contestualmente all’iscrizione.
Non sei riuscito/a a iscriverti in tempo per lo sconto del 20%? segnalaci il tuo interesse e ti terremo informato sulle prossime edizioni
Data: 22,23,24 aprile 2025 dalle ore 9.00-13.00 / 14.00-17.00
In questo corso PL-300 – Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst si affrontano le migliori pratiche per modellare, visualizzare e analizzare i dati con Power BI. Sarà illustrato come accedere ed elaborare i dati da una gamma di fonti di dati, compresi i dati relazionali e non relazionali. Si esplorerà inoltre come implementare gli standard e le politiche di sicurezza adeguati in tutto lo spettro di Power BI, inclusi i set di dati e i gruppi. Verrà discussa anche la gestione e distribuzione di report e dashboard per la condivisione e la distribuzione dei contenuti. Infine, questo corso mostrerà come costruire report paginati all’interno del servizio Power BI e pubblicarli in uno spazio di lavoro per l’inclusione in Power BI.
Questo corso aiuta gli allievi nella preparazione dell’esame di certificazione PL-300 – Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst.
InforPC è partner certificato per le aziende che vogliono aumentare le professionalità presenti in azienda, e il professionista che vuole aumentare le proprie competenze e conseguire le certificazioni più richieste dalle aziende.
I partecipanti al corso PL-300 – Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst sono esperti di dati e professionisti della business intelligence che vogliono imparare a eseguire analisi dei dati con precisione usando Power BI. Questo corso è rivolto anche a coloro che sviluppano report che visualizzano i dati dalle tecnologie della piattaforma dati esistenti sia nel cloud che in locale.
Per partecipare al corso PL-300 – Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst è consigliabile avere i seguenti prerequisiti:
Al termine del corso MOC PL-300 – Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst i partecipanti saranno in grado di:
This module explores the different roles in the data space, outlines the important roles and responsibilities of a Data Analysts, and then explores the landscape of the Power BI portfolio.
Lab: Getting Started in Power BI Desktop
This module explores identifying and retrieving data from various data sources. You will also learn the options for connectivity and data storage and understand the difference and performance implications of connecting directly to data vs. importing it.
Lab: Preparing Data in Power BI Desktop
This module teaches you the process of profiling and understanding the condition of the data. They will learn how to identify anomalies, look at the size and shape of their data, and perform the proper data cleaning and transforming steps to prepare the data for loading into the model.
Lab: Transforming and Loading Data in Power BI Desktop
This module teaches the fundamental concepts of designing and developing a data model for proper performance and scalability. This module will also help you understand and tackle many of the common data modeling issues, including relationships, security, and performance.
Lab: Data Modeling in Power BI Desktop
Lab: Advanced Data Modeling in Power BI Desktop
This module introduces you to the world of DAX and its true power for enhancing a model. You will learn about aggregations and the concepts of Measures, calculated columns and tables, and Time Intelligence functions to solve calculation and data analysis problems.
Lab: Advanced DAX in Power BI Desktop
Lab: Introduction to DAX in Power BI Desktop
In this module you are introduced to steps, processes, concepts, and data modeling best practices necessary to optimize a data model for enterprise-level performance.
This module introduces you to the fundamental concepts and principles of designing and building a report, including selecting the correct visuals, designing a page layout, and applying basic but critical functionality. The important topic of designing for accessibility is also covered.
Lab: Designing a report in Power BI Desktop
Lab: Enhancing reports with interaction and formatting in Power BI Desktop
In this module you will learn how to tell a compelling story through the use of dashboards and the different navigation tools available to provide navigation. You will be introduced to features and functionality and how to enhance dashboards for usability and insights.
Lab: Creating a Dashboard in Power BI Service
This module will teach you about paginated reports, including what they are how they fit into Power BI. You will then learn how to build and publish a report.
Lab: Creating a Paginated report in Power BI Desktop
This module helps you apply additional features to enhance the report for analytical insights in the data, equipping you with the steps to use the report for actual data analysis. You will also perform advanced analytics using AI visuals on the report for even deeper and meaningful data insights.
Lab: Data Analysis in Power BI Desktop
In this module you will learn the concepts of managing Power BI assets, including datasets and workspaces. You will also publish datasets to the Power BI service, then refresh and secure them.
This module will introduce you to Workspaces, including how to create and manage them. You will also learn how to share content, including reports and dashboards, and then learn how to distribute an App.
Lab: Publishing and Sharing Power BI Content
erogato in collaborazione con Pipeline Srl, Microsoft Learning Partner, centro autorizzato all’erogazione di corsi ufficiali Microsoft.
Data prossime edizioni
22,23,24 aprile 2025
16,17,18 giugno 2025
27,28,29 agosto 2025
MOC PL 300 Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst
Data: 22,23,24 aprile 2025 dalle ore 9.00-13.00 / 14.00-17.00
I partecipanti al corso PL-300 – Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst sono esperti di dati e professionisti della business intelligence che vogliono imparare a eseguire analisi dei dati con precisione usando Power BI. Questo corso è rivolto anche a coloro che sviluppano report che visualizzano i dati dalle tecnologie della piattaforma dati esistenti sia nel cloud che in locale.
Per partecipare al corso PL-300 – Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst è consigliabile avere i seguenti prerequisiti:
Al termine del corso MOC PL-300 – Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst i partecipanti saranno in grado di:
This module explores the different roles in the data space, outlines the important roles and responsibilities of a Data Analysts, and then explores the landscape of the Power BI portfolio.
Lab: Getting Started in Power BI Desktop
This module explores identifying and retrieving data from various data sources. You will also learn the options for connectivity and data storage and understand the difference and performance implications of connecting directly to data vs. importing it.
Lab: Preparing Data in Power BI Desktop
This module teaches you the process of profiling and understanding the condition of the data. They will learn how to identify anomalies, look at the size and shape of their data, and perform the proper data cleaning and transforming steps to prepare the data for loading into the model.
Lab: Transforming and Loading Data in Power BI Desktop
This module teaches the fundamental concepts of designing and developing a data model for proper performance and scalability. This module will also help you understand and tackle many of the common data modeling issues, including relationships, security, and performance.
Lab: Data Modeling in Power BI Desktop
Lab: Advanced Data Modeling in Power BI Desktop
This module introduces you to the world of DAX and its true power for enhancing a model. You will learn about aggregations and the concepts of Measures, calculated columns and tables, and Time Intelligence functions to solve calculation and data analysis problems.
Lab: Advanced DAX in Power BI Desktop
Lab: Introduction to DAX in Power BI Desktop
In this module you are introduced to steps, processes, concepts, and data modeling best practices necessary to optimize a data model for enterprise-level performance.
This module introduces you to the fundamental concepts and principles of designing and building a report, including selecting the correct visuals, designing a page layout, and applying basic but critical functionality. The important topic of designing for accessibility is also covered.
Lab: Designing a report in Power BI Desktop
Lab: Enhancing reports with interaction and formatting in Power BI Desktop
In this module you will learn how to tell a compelling story through the use of dashboards and the different navigation tools available to provide navigation. You will be introduced to features and functionality and how to enhance dashboards for usability and insights.
Lab: Creating a Dashboard in Power BI Service
This module will teach you about paginated reports, including what they are how they fit into Power BI. You will then learn how to build and publish a report.
Lab: Creating a Paginated report in Power BI Desktop
This module helps you apply additional features to enhance the report for analytical insights in the data, equipping you with the steps to use the report for actual data analysis. You will also perform advanced analytics using AI visuals on the report for even deeper and meaningful data insights.
Lab: Data Analysis in Power BI Desktop
In this module you will learn the concepts of managing Power BI assets, including datasets and workspaces. You will also publish datasets to the Power BI service, then refresh and secure them.
This module will introduce you to Workspaces, including how to create and manage them. You will also learn how to share content, including reports and dashboards, and then learn how to distribute an App.
Lab: Publishing and Sharing Power BI Content
Data prossime edizioni
22,23,24 aprile 2025
16,17,18 giugno 2025
27,28,29 agosto 2025
1200,00 €
960,00 € + iva
COSTO : 1200,00 € + iva a partecipante corso in aula virtuale
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Tel: 0523 010904
* E’ prevista una riduzione del 20% sul prezzo di listino del corso, applicabile alle iscrizioni effettuate almeno 30 giorni prima della data prevista. La promozione richiede il pagamento tramite bonifico bancario anticipato da effettuare contestualmente all’iscrizione.
Non sei riuscito/a a iscriverti in tempo per lo sconto del 20%? segnalaci il tuo interesse e ti terremo informato sulle prossime edizioni