Corso MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators: corso certificato

MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators: presentazione del corso

Il corso Microsoft MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators presenta alla platea l’amministrazione di SharePoint Online in Office 365, introducendo con spiegazioni e dimostrazioni le opzioni di configurazione di SharePoint Online. Il corso è adatto agli amministratori SharePoint on-premise esistenti e ai nuovi amministratori di Office 365 che hanno bisogno di capire come impostare correttamente SharePoint Online per la loro azienda. Questo corso permette anche di capire le differenze tra SharePoint on-premises e SharePoint Online.

Infor PC è partner certificato per le aziende che vogliono aumentare le professionalità presenti in azienda, e il professionista che vuole aumentare le proprie competenze e conseguire le certificazioni più richieste dalle aziende.

MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators: obiettivi

Al termine del corso MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators gli allievi saranno in grado di:

  • comprendere l’architettura di SharePoint Online;
  • conoscere tutti i componenti di SharePoint Online;
  • avere esperienza pratica nella configurazione dei componenti di SharePoint Online;
  • avere esperienza pratica nella configurazione delle opzioni;
  • lavorare con le Site Collections e le opzioni di archiviazione;
  • gestire i profili utente e la profilazione sociale;
  • saper configurare le connessioni dati in SharePoint Online;
  • costruire una struttura di tassonomia;
  • saper configurare la ricerca in SharePoint Online;
  • configurare e distribuire applicazioni;
  • capire e definire la gestione dei contenuti aziendali e la sicurezza e la conformità;
  • configurare opzioni e caratteristiche aggiuntive in SharePoint Online come la gestione dei diritti di informazione.

Prerequisiti di frequenza corso MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators

Non sono richiesti prerequisiti per partecipare a questo corso.

MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators: destinatari

Il corso MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators è progettato per gli amministratori che devono impostare, configurare e gestire SharePoint Online come parte della loro amministrazione di Office 365.

MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators: contenuti del Corso

Module 1: Introduction to Office 365 and SharePoint Online

  • Introduction to the Office 365 Administration Center
  • Configure Reporting
  • Accessing SharePoint management tools
  • Accessing security and compliancy
  • Managing Office 365 and SharePoint Online with PowerShell
  • Comparing On Premises SharePoint with SharePoint Online
  • User identity in Office 365 and SharePoint Online
  • Manging user domains
  • Building Hybrid scenarios
  • OneDrive and Sites redirection
  • Yammer redirection
  • Understand hybrid search
  • Hybrid business data connectivity
  • Hybrid taxonomy

Lab : Configuring the Office 365 environment

Module 2: Working with Site Collections

  • Introduction to classic and modern admin centers
  • Creating Site Collections
  • Defining ownership and security for site collections
  • Configuring Storage
  • Configure External Access to site collections
  • Recovering site collections
  • Configure external sharing
  • Managing site collections with PowerShell

Lab : Managing Site Collections

Module 3: Managing User Profiles

  • Overview of the profile service
  • Defining profile properties
  • Map profile properties to a term store
  • Creating custom profile properties
  • Managing audiences
  • Creating audiences
  • Managing user profile policies
  • Configure trusted my site host locations
  • Configure preferred search center locations
  • Defining read access permission levels
  • Configuring newsfeed options
  • Setup email notifications
  • Configure my site cleanup

Lab : Managing the User Profile service

Module 4: Working with Data Connections

  • Introduction to Data Connections
  • Overview of PowerApps, Flow and PowerBi
  • Overview of the business connectivity service
  • Introduction to BDC definition files
  • Creating BDC definition files
  • Introduction to the secure store service
  • Configuring the secure store service
  • Creating secure store target application settings
  • Configure connections to cloud services
  • Configure connections to on-premises services
  • Tools to build data connections
  • Creating external content types
  • Building external lists using external data

Lab : Managing the business data connectivity service

Module 5: Managing the Term store

  • Overview of the term store
  • Understanding terms and life cycle management
  • Creating term groups
  • Creating the term store
  • Creating Term Sets in the UI
  • Creating Term Sets via importing via a CSV
  • Creating terms in the UI
  • Creating terms via PowerShell and CSOM
  • Manage terms with synonyms and pinning
  • Configure delegated administration

Lab : Creating and Managing the Term Store

Module 6: Configuring Search

  • An Introduction to the search service
  • Classic versus Modern search experience
  • Understanding Managed Properties
  • Create Managed Properties
  • Manage Authoritative pages
  • Understand Result sources
  • Create and configure result sources
  • Understand Query rules
  • Promoting results through query rules
  • Remove search results from the index
  • Exporting search configurations
  • Importing search configurations

Lab : Managing and configuring the Search Service

Module 7: Configuring Apps

  • An Introduction to Apps
  • Understanding the App Catalog
  • Building the App catalog
  • Adding Apps to the catalog
  • Add Apps to your SharePoint sites
  • Adding Apps via the marketplace store
  • Manage App licensing
  • Configure store access settings
  • Monitoring app usage

Lab : Configuring Apps

Module 8: Enterprise Content Management in SharePoint Online

  • An Introduction to ECM in SharePoint Online
  • Components of ECM
  • Office 365 versus classic compliancy
  • Understanding In-Place records management
  • Configure In-Place records management
  • Understanding the records center
  • Build and configure a records center
  • Understanding the compliancy policy center
  • Build a compliancy policy center and configure policies
  • Discover the security and compliancy center
  • Configure an eDiscovery center
  • Build an eDiscovery case
  • Understand data loss prevention
  • Build a data loss prevention policy and query
  • Working with classification and data governance

Lab : Configuring ECM in SharePoint Online

Module 9: Manage options for SharePoint Online

  • Configure OneDrive features
  • Configure use of Yammer or Newsfeeds
  • Understand Information Rights Management
  • Configure Information Rights Management
  • Define site classification options
  • Understand early release options for Office 365
  • Configure Early release options for your Office 365 tenant
  • Manage Access Control

Lab : Configure Options for SharePoint Online


MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators: durata del corso

21 ore

Materiale didattico

Il Corso MOC 55238 – SharePoint Online for Administrators include:

  • Manuale ufficiale Microsoft Learning(in lingua inglese) accessibile online, di durata illimitata.
  • Ambiente di Laboratorio con macchine virtuali accessibili online per 180 giorni dalla data del corso.

Scopri tutti i corsi Microsoft per professionisti IT e resta aggiornato sulle certificazioni Microsoft.

  • 10 Hours



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